Another Update
What day is it, folks? I've been living in twilight zone. . .
TP was taken to a room in the Infectious Diseases unit of the hospital yesterday evening. Last night, I had a "run in" with one of the interns, and then the resident got upset with me, too, because I was questioning a decision they had made about NOT giving her any blood pressure meds until this morning. They finally gave some to her, at my insistence, and now today, she's had a really hard time keeping it within normal limits. Don't even get me started - but I'll tell you, once she is out of there, I am going to make a BIG STINK. Her regular doctor isn't following the case this admission, and there have been a series of decisions which have been made which I am very concerned about. I also get very pissed off (yes, guys, I do swear sometimes) when they treat me like I am some sort of overprotective and rambling idiot who is a dumbshit. You know, I have a Masters Degree - I have been in the medical field for over twenty years - I have doctors who call ME about psychiatric medications for MY opinion - so I do have a brain on my head. Also, I am a MOM who happens to know quite a lot about this disease which is afflicting MY daughter - and I have lived with it on a daily basis for over a year and a half now - so I DO know when something isn't quite right with my daughter - so I would appreciate it if some of these interns and residents wouldn't question MY judgement about my daughter's condition. Crazy jerks.
Anyway, she has been progressing pretty well, overall. They still don't know what caused the infection, but they have continued to give her antibiotics. She was pretty tuckered out today, so she slept some. She complained of a cough, and a pain in her chest, but they just said they'd "keep an eye on it". Because I made some mortal enemies with the intern and resident last night, I didn't question that decision (against my better judgement), and now I just got a phone call - only two hours after leaving the hospital - that her blood pressure is very high again and they are getting a chest x-ray on her.
So, I am waiting here by the phone for an update. I may go back in tonight to stay with her (oh, how I was looking forward to my own bed - but she needs me right now). I'll write more when I can. Sorry I can't answer all of your lovely comments from my last post.
Love 'ya all!

I pray for healing for TP, and that the doctors listen to both her and you. I also send up prayers for DQ and your husband. It's hard when one family member is in the hospital. I pray TP feels better today and that her chest xray comes back clear.
ps I linked from Rebekah's website.
If I'm ever sick, I want you on my side of the ring. You are a tough mom, and one your family can be proud of. I left a message in todays post about your daughter in hopes that they will pray.
Well, no wonder you're in the Twilight Zone, no need to apologize for that. Hope everyone's holding up okay...
Val, I can almost taste how upset you are and you have every right to be. I'm going to put T.P. in my prayer journal again tonight and you make sure she knows we're all fighting for her to get well and get back home.
Here's my [[[hug]]]. I'll throw you in that prayer journal, too that you get to sleep in that bed of yours very, very soon.
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