Just a quick entry today (for now, anyway - I may be back later).
We received tremendous news again yesterday. TP's labs are still NORMAL, meaning that they will decrease the steroids again! She will receive her next infusion in 6 weeks, and then if the labs remain within normal limits, she will have her final infusion 6 weeks after that. Thank you, dear Lord! It has been such a long haul! She also is getting her braces off on Monday (after 8 years, if you can believe that!), and we have an appointment with a photographer for senior pictures on Wednesday to go over pricing, etc. Some people have spent $600 to $1000 on packages, which is ridiculous, in my humble opinion. This lady is much more reasonable, and I have already alerted TP that there is going to be a monetary limit. If she wants more, she'll have to pay it out of her pocket. I'm a mean mom, I know.
DQ has done fantastic this first quarter of school. That is yet another miracle for which I am thankful. Not all the final exam scores are in yet, but preliminary results indicate that she got a 99 on her History final and a 93 in English. The school environment makes all the difference in the world!
Now, I have a favor to ask. TP is taking her ACT test tomorrow for the third time. The first two times were okay, but she needs to do better in order to qualify for additional scholarship money (which we desperately need). Her problem lies in the anxiety she feels while taking the test, which hinders the results. She has a very high GPA right now, but the scores on her previous ACT"s and the SAT don't reflect her abilities. But, that doesn't really matter to financial aid offices, unfortunately. So, if you don't mind, could you say an extra prayer for her to relieve the anxiety so that her score improves this final time? Thanks! :-)
Have a blessed day, everybody!

Yes, hold the line on the photo expenses. I'm still sorry we paid so much for wedding pictures that sit in drawers and boxes. :-)
Glad the health news is good.
I will pray your daughter relaxes and does her best on the test. It's great that she's doing so well in school!
Great news about TP! And yes, in the prayer journal she goes...
Great news about TP's Labs! Braces for eight years, I'll bet she is supper excited to get those things off!
The anxiety for taking tests was always my problem in school. I would do great work, but horrible on my tests. Prayers for TP, I know how it is to feel the way she does.
I hope she does well on the test! I hope I am not too late so send my best wishes and prayers up!
As Barbara said, I don't understand all the ATS stuff, but I too understand the anxiety associated with tests of any description, and of course, I will pray :)
I'm also delighted to hear about T.P's lab results. Thanks be to God!
God bless your wonderful family
Quick note re: pictures. So many people are into photography these days, ask a friend who is good at it to take TP out to some of her favorite places (your backyard, park, waterfront, school grounds etc.) and snap a few shots. See what you can do for FREE (or a gift certificate for the friend) before forking over all that money. We did this and the shots are amazing. One son wanted to go to the cabin at the beach, the other son wanted to go to the park never the river that runs through our little town. This was "back when" just as digital photography became so popular, but both boys got wonderful graduation pictures, with family members included in a few as well! When our oldest son married, we got the same guy to do wedding pictures and by this time he had gone pro! (He had been our kids Spanish teacher before going pro) We got a good deal on the wedding pics - - just because! He has a website if anyone is interested.
Dear All: Thank you so much for your prayers - TP thinks she did much better, and didn't "freeze" as she normally does.
Barbara and UKOK; ACT's and SAT's are our college entrance exams. Based on the score along with the Grade Point Average that is cumulative over the years in high school, you can obtain certain scholarships to help defray tuition costs.
But, the main thing is that her labs were so good. The relief is tremendous!
Love you all!
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