Hi everybody!
TP is home, safe and sound. She's in her bed now, all snuggled up in freshly laundered sheets, with the dog curled up in her arms. She has a half-smile on her lips, and looks quite content.
It's been quite an ordeal. The cough I mentioned in my last entry turned out to be fluid on the lungs, due to all the IV fluids they had been giving her. I actually stayed home and my husband spent the night on Friday night, and I returned the following afternoon (yesterday) and spent the night last night. They were able to get her blood pressure stabilized, and her fever has been gone for over 24 hours, and she has had a bit to eat. She's still quite pale and very tired, but that is understandable, given all she has been through.
I feel so very blessed, for many reasons. Most importantly, I am blessed because TP survived this ordeal. There was a horrible stretch of time where she was extremely critical - and that is the absolute worse feeling in the whole world. I am blessed because God answered our prayers. I am blessed because I have a wonderful husband, and another great daughter, and family members and friends who prayed long and hard for TP's recovery. I count ALL of you as my special friends, who rallied around me and the rest of my family in this time of great need. It's amazing to me - even though I have never met any of you face to face, your love and support and prayers have touched me more than you will ever know. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I am going to take a very long nap now. I will probably write more tomorrow or Tuesday.
A special thanks to Darlene who gave me instructions on how to get my blog back up and running (apparently, it disappeared for awhile??), and for mentioning my situation on her blog and asking her readers to pray.
Give your kids a long hug and hold them tight - you just never know. . .

I was so worried when I couldn't get to your blog. I am gald to hear that TP is home and doing well. I have been praying for her.
Glad to hear that the storm has passed. God is in control. (hugs)
SWEET!! God IS good!!
Valerie, we all love you and yours. Praise God she's doing better. Get your rest honey.
I'm so glad she's home. That will be the best medicine. So glad to hear the good news.
I've been so relieved that she's home now.
Quite a few blogs have dissappeared. Alyssa's was gone for a day or two once, and so I offered to do a design for her, and that's when I discovered it just needed to get published again. It's an odd thing that blogger.
Praise God.
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