The Value of Life
Yesterday, I was half-listening to a morning talk show host (Glenn Beck), and he was discussing a woman who had a rare disease, and who had been kept alive for the past several years by taking some medication which cost $1,400.00 per DAY. Imagine that?! Anyway, this woman had been feeling guilty lately, because she figured out that the grand total thus far of keeping her alive was approximately seven million dollars. Taxpayers are footing the bill to keep her alive. The question that had been troubling her, and which caused her to feel extreme guilt, was "Is my life worth $1400.00 per day - am I worth that much money?".
I have been mulling this question over and over again. If it cost that much to keep me alive, would I feel as though my life was worth that amount of money? It caused me to think of yet another question - if, indeed, that much money was being spent on me, how would I live my life differently? And yet other questions then come to mind. . . WHY don't I live my life as if that much money is being spent to keep me alive? WHY don't I live my life to the fullest capacity every day - I should want to glorify God in every way, out of thanksgiving for the gift of life He has given to me. And, in general, why should putting a dollar value on a life mean MORE than putting a spiritual value on a life - as if money has more value than a soul?
What are your thoughts???

We are worth enough for Christ to die for, so 7 million is small potatoes compared to that. I know you know that, but I wonder if she does.
That is a really interesting question and comparison. I can somewhat empathize with the woman, because having a child with special needs can mean you are on the receiving end of a lot of therapies and education privileges funded by the taxpayers.
I think the comparison you make to the price that was paid for us is a good one, and worth spending time thinking about, as Barbara said.
Awesome food for thought. I like what Darlene said.
I have an answer for her. "Yes, every penny." "Now quit feeling guilty and go do something spectacular."
Hi Paula - I've missed you! I agree with what you've said, it is so true.
Barbara - You really put a LOT of thought into this, and I appreciate that. It made me wonder if the woman in my little story is a Christian, because wouldn't she then realize how valuable and important her life truly is? You can't put a price tag on it!
Darlene: Yes, I wonder if she does, too. . .
Hi Julana: I have been on the receiving end at times, too, but not to the extent that you or this woman have been. I think I would feel grateful more than guillty, however - which I think is where you are coming from.
Mrs. D - It gave me a lot to think about, too!!! I hope you are doing better.
Carol - I've missed you, but know that you've been "preoccupied" with a lot of different things right now.
BWH - I know, I kind of wanted to shake her, too, and say the same exact thing to her!!!
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