AWWW!! Thanks for putting that on your site! What a CutiePatootie! She looks really happy. Homecoming has some great memories for me. She'll be glad she went when she looks back on this one day!
Echo: You're welcome. She was giggling up a storm whe I took that picture - and it truly doesn't do her justice because her eyes are kind of squeezed almost shut (all the other ones were terrible - I am NOT a good photographer LOL). She had a fun time.
Carol - Thank you. The "questionaire" is done by her dad - he insists on meeting the young man first, knowing who the parents are, etc. We often joke that we will tell the young man that he had better bring TP back home "in the same shape" as she was when she leaves on the date (if you know what I mean).
I'm let those two beautiful girls DATE? What are you thinking?!!!
What a couple of class act young women. You tell DQ if there is something "disadvantageous" about looking like THAT, I'd like somebody to point it out to me. Beats the heck out of being white as paste and short and pudgy!
I have two college age daughters and a precious granddaughter and a husband with whom I have shared my life for 35 years! I am a pscyotherapist in private practice where I counsel individuals, couples, and families.
AWWW!! Thanks for putting that on your site! What a CutiePatootie! She looks really happy. Homecoming has some great memories for me. She'll be glad she went when she looks back on this one day!
Echo: You're welcome. She was giggling up a storm whe I took that picture - and it truly doesn't do her justice because her eyes are kind of squeezed almost shut (all the other ones were terrible - I am NOT a good photographer LOL). She had a fun time.
Carol - Thank you. The "questionaire" is done by her dad - he insists on meeting the young man first, knowing who the parents are, etc. We often joke that we will tell the young man that he had better bring TP back home "in the same shape" as she was when she leaves on the date (if you know what I mean).
Tyra: Yes, she was happy. Thank you.
I'm let those two beautiful girls DATE? What are you thinking?!!!
What a couple of class act young women. You tell DQ if there is something "disadvantageous" about looking like THAT, I'd like somebody to point it out to me. Beats the heck out of being white as paste and short and pudgy!
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