A Trial Run
As I stated in my previous post, I have been giving a lot of thought as to what changes I want to make with my blog. I am still mulling it over. One of the ideas I came up with was to somehow try to get a discussion going amongst my readers about their thoughts or opinions regarding certain issues - and not all the issues will be in relation to parenting, but most of them will be related to morality. I have decided to give this format a trial run to see how it goes. One of these "issues" came to light on my recent trip to Michigan, and so I'd like to ask you what your opinions are, and then after all is said and done, I will explain my point of view and what circumstances led me to ask you about it.
So, this topic is certainly one that I get asked quite frequently as a professional, and I have discussed it with my girls as well. It's definitely an emotionally-charged issue, so I am asking you to keep this civil if you disagree with each other. I'm a firm believer that you can still be gracious even when disagreeing.
The question is - should parents of teenage girls put them on birth control pills or provide them with other forms of "protection" to reduce the chances of pregnancy and/or contracting an STD? If so, why; and if not, why not?
The floor is open for discussion. . .